Potential projects and future research:
An exciting development springboarding from the initial version of archiveThing is that we have worked hard to build the platform as multilingual.
The public-facing site is now available in English, French and Spanish.
And, excitingly, artists can now develop their own portfolios in these specific languages and include translations if desired.
We have been very interested in artists' residencies as generative sites for dialogue, and are intrigued by the potential to learn from and engage with practitioners across the globe.
archiveThing teamed up with Havana-based Unpack Studio & Residency as a project that opens up dialogue around residencies as important sites of community building. The first supported artist visited Unpack in Winter 2024.
We have added a new section of archiveThing called The Fold.
This is a space for archiveThing members to publish Essays, Reviews, or Conversations.
We envision this as a place to publish articles that evolve from conversations between practitioners; or a place to share works or papers that may be co-authored; or other academic or scholarly articles that sit beyond a studio practice.
archiveThing itself began as a research project by Barbara Rauch and Michelle Gay. As makers of drawings, photographs, collages, sculptural objects we wondered how to manoeuvre the objects and ideas into digital spaces and to make them sharable.
A few years in the making, we presented our research and ideas at a few conferences. The presentations and subsequent research papers moved the project along.
We prepared a presentation for the AMPS - Architecture Media Politics Society program in Canterbury UK for the 2020 conference.
Click here to view conference info.
Our paper was published as part of the proceedings. Full Proceedings document here.